Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Marsh Lions

The Marsh lions have added a two new cubs to their pride. There are now nine cubs of varying ages in this pride. The Ridge/Paradise pride have also produced – three cubs estimated to be two months old. Pole, the resident leopard at the Governor’s camp and her cub Kijano have been delighting guests with regular sightings between Il Moran and Little Governor’s camps. There may be more cubs on the way as male and female leopard were seen mating in the area.

Wildebeest have arrived

The Mara River has been active this past week, with many wildebeest and zebra crossing the river near Look Out Hill onto the Mara Triangle. The water in the river is still low which makes crossings for the wildebeest an easy walk across – which has not deterred the crocodiles from snapping up a meal at any given opportunity. The herds along the lower side of the Mara River has settled down a bit while the Loita herds have joined the Serengeti ones south of the Mara Triangle where the grass is sufficient to sustain them through the migration season.